aquinas, natural theology, and music

In the Summa Theologica, Aquinas gives five proofs for the existence of God. In his proofs, he uses the universal characteristics of reason and observation to prove that God is the unmoved mover, first cause, first necessity, the cause of the gradation of beings, and that which guides all beings to their natural end/goal (their telos).

I will not enumerate all of these proofs, but here is one argument laid out: if we look at the world around us, we see that all things are in motion. Whatever is put into motion must be put into motion by something else. Likewise, this something else must be put into motion by another something in order for it to put the whatever into motion. Moreover, this something else must be put into motion.....GET THE PICTURE? This pattern cannot eternally recur. Thus, there must be something that begins all the motion in the world. This something is what we call God. God is the unmoved mover from which all motion emanates.

I am not huge fan of these proofs for God's existence because they assume what they are trying to prove from the beginning of their proof, namely that God exists. Nonetheless, these proofs depict great thinking and intelligence. Thus, in order to appear as a great thinker and intelligent, I thought up my own proof for God's existence.

At the beginning of March, I went to see The Submarines and Josh Ritter in concert at this incredible concert venue in Hollywood called the El Rey. Incredible venue. As The Submarines were playing, I was totally captivated by the female singer. Her voice blew me away in how it mixed perfectly with the poppy-mellow loops and guitar that were playing through speakers. I leaned over to my friend Elizabeth and said, "This is so great. (She agreed). Beautiful music makes me believe in God." I have had many such experiences at various concerts where I feel the reality of the presence of God when I am listening to live music. I cannot explain it, but these experiences are about as tangible as God gets for me. With that said, here is my proof for the existence of God:

If we listen to music, observing how each aspect of the music blends together to form a complete whole, we see that music is a beautiful art form. The musicians create this art form, but the music cannot be created out of nothing. Thus, something must exist from which inspiration for music and its beauty flows. This something is God. God is the first beauty from which all beautiful music flows.

In short, beautiful music exists. Thus, God exists. HAHA! peace


Anonymous said…
HARRY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND!!! Hope you had a great day!! :)
greenISgood said…
I was wondering. Now that you've declared that baking cakes is your favorite hobby....Well, I'm just very impressed that....I can't imagine how cute that really, I can't imagine!

Happy Birthday, Badass! You and Roy in fact share the same one. And I def. agree, music is def. proof of God's existence! Love it.
Anonymous said…
It is also possible that appreciation of music serves some Darwinian purpose.
harris said…
what do you exactly mean by darwinian purpose?
Anonymous said…
It is possible that creation and appreciation of music in some way makes it more likely that an individual's genes will be passed on to the next generation. Perhaps those individuals who are more inclined to create and/or appreciate music are more likely to survive and reproduce. Then they have children who also create and/or appreciate music.

Perhaps it was natural selection that gave rise to music, rather than God.

Or perhaps God caused natural selection, which caused music.

Or perhaps you had it right all along.
Jason Powers said…
Great thoughts! I couldn't agree more. Some of my most worshipful moments were spent in the throes of musical rapture. What's even more scandalous is when it's not "worship" music that captures us.

On another note... are you familiar with Ray Anderson? I just finished a book called "An Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches." Good thought provoking stuff. Wondered if you'd run across him at all.
harris said…
i have not run across ray anderson. the title of the book sound familiar though. i'm pretty excited for the emergent manifesto of hope that is coming out soon. in fact, it might be out, not sure.
Jason Powers said…
I saw it at B & N yesterday. It's a good meaty looking read, but alas my pockets were empty. Soon enough though. The waiting only sweetens the deal. Keep it real.
Anonymous said…
Interesting music thoughts. They actually tie in to a broader discussion on the necessity of God (although it is not strictly a proof, since it contains no proper arguments) in a book you should read sometime when you have a bit of free time (it takes free time or assignment, because it's so dense a read): "Real Presences" by George Steiner. Well worth it if you have the energy for the effort.

Oh, and "hi." I found you through The Head Cult.
JenniferKent said…
This blog is AWESOME. Nice work, bro.

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