new blog!
As part of my Transforming Contemporary Culture class at Fuller, I have to create a new blog in which I write reviews of our assigned books and relfections on class. It should be some pretty good stuff considering the book list:
Claiborne, Shane. 2006. The Irresistable Revolution. Zondervan.
Gingerich, Ray and Ted Grimsrud, eds. 2006. Transforming the Powers. Fortress Press.
Goodwin, Jeff and James M. Jasper, eds., 2003. The Social Movements Reader. Blackwell.
Klein, Naomi, 2002. Fences and Windows. Picador.
Lasn, Kalle. 2000. Culture Jam. Quill.
Linthicum, Robert. 2003. Transforming Power. IVP.
I might add, I have one week to read and write a review for one book. Thus, in six weeks I will have read six books. Oh, and this is not the only class I am taking. WOW. My job now is reading and writing, but this is what I want to do. So, all is well. Check out the blog here. Hope all is well. peace
Claiborne, Shane. 2006. The Irresistable Revolution. Zondervan.
Gingerich, Ray and Ted Grimsrud, eds. 2006. Transforming the Powers. Fortress Press.
Goodwin, Jeff and James M. Jasper, eds., 2003. The Social Movements Reader. Blackwell.
Klein, Naomi, 2002. Fences and Windows. Picador.
Lasn, Kalle. 2000. Culture Jam. Quill.
Linthicum, Robert. 2003. Transforming Power. IVP.
I might add, I have one week to read and write a review for one book. Thus, in six weeks I will have read six books. Oh, and this is not the only class I am taking. WOW. My job now is reading and writing, but this is what I want to do. So, all is well. Check out the blog here. Hope all is well. peace